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Armordillo 2011-2019 福特 Explorer AR Bull Bar - 哑光黑色

Armordillo 2011-2019 福特 Explorer AR Bull Bar - 哑光黑色

Regular price $420.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $420.00 USD
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2 sold in recently

SKU: 7174030
Fitment: AR牛栏
Tags: Explorer
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Armordillo® AR 系列防撞杆,如果您希望保护您的装备前端免受轻微碰撞的影响和影响,同时又不牺牲新型时尚前格栅的外观,那么具有激进棱角设计的 AR 系列防撞杆非常适合正是您需要的东西。与普通管状防撞杆不同,Armordillo® AR 系列防撞杆不会隐藏您的前格栅或前保险杠的大部分,同时保持前端保护处于高水平。另外,网状防滑板不会限制流向散热器和发动机的气流,从而防止其过热。使用 Armordillo® 武装您的越野猛兽,Armordillo® 是行业领先的顶级卡车配件和零件制造商。多年来,我们对世界上最坚固的卡车的精巧设计和热情倾注在提供硬核越野产品上,旨在将您强大的伴侣变成时尚、前卫和侵略性的化身。 Armordillo 提供防撞栏、踏板、挡泥板、卡车床轨、拖车挂钩及其一些独特的产品 - Pre-Runner 保险杠防护装置、AR 下降踏板、储物柜和防撞栏。您可以信赖 Armordillo 为您带来无可挑剔的坚固耐用零件,将野蛮魅力与高端优雅融为一体。该品牌的防撞杠、格栅、挡泥板和侧踏板一定能立即为您的越野勇士带来更锐利、更锐利的外观,以及无与伦比的舒适性和抵御越野狂暴的保护。因此,如果您希望改善车辆的姿态并强化其防御能力,以自信地征服灰尘,那么 Armordillo 可以满足您的所有需求。


Armordillo® AR 系列防撞杆是那些想要时尚驾驶而又不影响前端保护的人士的理想选择。其棱角分明的设计为防撞杆的外观增添了刚性和优雅感,以和谐的线条与您的车辆相得益彰。防撞杆配有防滑板,以增加强度和耐用性。


  • 角型钢结构可实现最大强度。
  • 用于辅助灯的预钻孔。
  • 简单的螺栓固定式安装。
  • 大多数应用无需钻孔。
  • 时尚的集成防滑板,可防止岩石和道路碎片的侵害。
  • 粉末涂层表面具有卓越的耐腐蚀性。
  • 获得专利的激进设计,D830,923。

加州居民:65 号提案警告
警告: 癌症和生殖危害

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Michael Netherton (Overland, US)
It's a very good product but the mounting hardware sucks

Out of the box, I was impressed with the workmanship. But there are some issues. First, where the channel is boxed in at the bottom, there was no prep or paint inside the channel. So the steel is exposed and rusty. The mounting hardware is very stout but the bracket for the passenger side is severely lacking. It had only one mounting hole for the bull bar. With only one bolt, there was no way to keep the bar from drooping no matter how tight the bolt was. I had to grind away some of the bracing to make clearance for the mounting hardware. Then I had to drill a 25/64" hole in the bracket in order to secure the bull bar with two bolts. Now it's very solid. I cannot imagine why this is so poorly executed. It would have been much harder and frustrating had I not had a lift on which to work. I would have given five stars if the mount wasn't so bad.